Illuminating Signs with Efficiency: Switching Signage to LED Lighting

Why Upgrade to LED?

Businesses are always looking for ways to cut costs and improve efficiency. One area that offers big opportunities is upgrading old signage to new LED technologies. LED lighting uses significantly less energy than traditional lighting like neon or fluorescent. They also last longer and can reduce maintenance needs and costs over time.

Lower Energy Usage

LED lights consume up to 90% less energy compared to other lighting types. This dramatic reduction in power usage can translate to huge savings on monthly electricity bills. From channel letter signs to building-size signs, the energy savings add up, especially for businesses with large signage that runs frequently.

To demonstrate just how significant the energy reductions are, let’s look at an example. Say a restaurant has two standard channel letter wall signs above their entrance that each use 4 fluorescent bulbs. Each bulb pulls around 32 watts, so the total power usage for the signs is 128 watts. If they switched to LED, those same signs could be illuminated by modules using only 15 watts each, bringing the total to a mere 30 watts. That’s a whopping savings of 98 watts, or 76%, per sign! Over a year, this single location could save over 0 on its electricity bill by upgrading to energy-efficient LEDs. And that’s before even factoring in the other long-term benefits.

Longer Lifespan

Another major advantage of custom led signs is their lifespan. Traditional lighting sources need frequent replacement which means repeated labor and material costs. However, an LED module is expected to operate for around 50,000-100,000 hours before needing replacement. For comparison, this is 3-5 times longer than a fluorescent bulb. This extended lifespan drastically cuts down on maintenance and replacement part expenses over the long run.

LEDs also withstand turns on/off cycles much better than older lamps. Fluorescents, for instance, have finite amounts of power starts before they will fail prematurely. But LED drivers eliminate this risk, allowing signs to be switched on as frequently as needed without shortening component life.

Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs

With a lifespan that is 3-5x longer than other lighting types, the maintenance needs of an LED sign are much lower as well. Rarely requiring replacement parts means less downtime and labor costs associated with servicing or repairing signs. LEDs also don’t have fragile filaments, glass bulbs, or electrodes to break like other lighting. They are much more impact-resistant which decreases the risk of costly damage from accidents or weather events like high winds.

To give a real-world example, a national drugstore chain analyzed the maintenance costs for their traditional neon signs versus LED conversions across hundreds of locations. The results showed average annual maintenance expenditure dropped a whopping 83% after switching! For large retailers with signs nationwide, those maintenance savings alone can amount to tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.

Control and Configuration Options

Modern LED signs also provide unprecedented control over lighting through features like dimming, coloring, brightness adjustments, and more. Businesses can remotely manage sign lighting schedules from any internet-connected device. Pre-programmed configurations allow signs to change color or brightness automatically for holidays, events, or different times of day/night. Settings are also easily updated over the air for quick changes without a service visit.

This flexible control gives brands creative options to enhance customer experiences. For instance, a grocery store may dim aisle signs after 8 pm to create a calming shopping environment for nighttime shoppers. Or a movie theater could synchronize its LED marquee with movie trailers being shown, attracting more passersby into the lobby. Advanced controls open up all sorts of interactive sign designs that traditional lamps simply couldn’t achieve.

Improved Branding Through Creative Sign Design

Compared to bulky and inflexible sign styles of the past, LED technology unlocks infinite creative possibilities for business identification and messaging. Signs can now feature vivid, crisp colors and intricate graphics that vibrantly display brands around buildings or locations. Dynamic capabilities grant opportunities to incorporate movement, animation, and video content within signs to capture attention.

One excellent use of these multimedia sign capabilities is digital menu boards. Quick-service restaurants are tired of printed paper menus that need replacing frequently and are switching to LED boards that can be updated with a push of a button. Menu items, pricing, promotions – it’s all changed instantly to stay current. Customers also appreciate interactive features like calorie counts at a glance. The visual impact of dynamic LED menus has been proven to boost orders by highlighting selections.

Increased Traffic and Sales

Studies show LED signs improve visibility from farther distances which raises awareness of establishments within wider surrounding areas. Better exposure translates to increased foot traffic and impulse purchases. Data also finds illuminated signage increases sales for many businesses by over 10%. With LED, sign lighting is far brighter yet more energy-efficient, allowing signs to become a critical 24/7 method for attracting and guiding customers. Savings from efficient operation help cover the costs of new sign investment as well.

In conclusion, upgrading outdated signs to LED provides overwhelming long-term benefits for any business. The energy savings, lower maintenance needs, flexible functionality, and enhanced branding make LED the superior choice for illuminated signage today and well into the future. By making the switch, companies gain strategic advantages that improve the bottom line while supporting sustainability efforts. If you haven’t already, it’s time to look at LED options for transforming your company signs!